
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Zdrojewski Christening and Some Backstory

Here's one that includes the ladies.  Grandpa Ludwig, Grandma Victoria, Marty (MPZ) in Christening gown, Eleanor Zdrojewski, John Zdrojewski (JPZ), Clara Adamina Matynka Zdrojewski (CAMZ), and Eugene Zdrojewski (EJZ.)   May or June, 1952.

Who knows anything about the Christening gown?  Was it used by multiple babies in the family?  Johnny, for example, whose gown is shown off in Zdro Films II, soon to be featured?

Does anybody have any ties from that era?  If I threw a party, would you wear them?

Is the photo below set in the living room of the house on May Street?  That was 175 May Street, Buffalo, wasn't it?

Eugene and Clara, June 12th, 1948.  

Clara made her gown, veil, and gloves - but that's another story.  For now I will just point out that from this day, it would be two years before they could live in the same city;  two and a half years before they could have a place of their own;  three years before they could rent an actual house; five years to the birth of their firstborn;  nine years until they could build the Marilla house.

I would love to hear stories of the wedding, or the christening, or the house on May Street.

Thanks to Paul Zadner and JFZ for sending photos to me.

Sorry for the random nature of this blog;  but it's going to be that way as I amble around opening computer files and cardboard boxes.  Please send photos or stories to add to the mix.    Julie

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