
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Poznan Zdrojewskis: From the Old Country, Part 4

In the 1947 photo, below, we have either the son or the son-in-law, the mother, the daughter Sabina, and the father.  The father we guess to be a relative of Ludwig Zdrojewski.

Now we have the same family in 1970.  Son or son-in-law?  "Follow the noses;"  he looks like Matka, the mother, doesn't he?

Here is the daughter in 1965:

"Kochanemu Jankowi od Sabiny.  du. 12.8.65r."

"To beloved Janek from Sabina."

John Peter Zdrojewski is "Janek."

We're guessing that JPZ might be her great-uncle.

Often enough, as a child visiting on May Street, I would hear my Dziadzi, JPZ, talking very quietly to my parents, showing them letters and photos "sent by Sabina," or explaining that he "sent to Sabina" certain things, like tablets of notebook paper, that were plentiful for us but for them impossible to acquire.  This was in the 1960s.  The Iron Curtain was real.  I also remember them whispering gravely about "Gomulka."

Why did my parents and grandparents never speak to us directly about these things?  It wasn't because I was a girl;  they didn't speak to Marty about it either.  Did they, Marty?  Was it just too painful to talk much about?  

"Mamusia, ojciec i ja - Sabina    w 1969r."

"Mama, Daddy, and I - Sabina"

"Rodzice na wakacjach"

"Parents on holiday"

"Ojciec na rybkach"

"Dad fishing"    ("Ryba" is "fish.")

These photos are easily downloaded to your computer.  Just right-click on an image and choose from the little popup menu an item such as "Add to IPhoto Library" or "Download Image."


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