
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Poznan Zdrojewskis: From the Old Country, Part 7

We last saw the parents relaxing in the summer countryside by the forest, in 1973, in Poznan Zdrojewskis: From the Old Country, Part 6.  In the fall of that year the father died.

"Mammusia jedsie w samochdnie."
"Mama goes to the car."

Looks like Edmund with Mama.

Dissident movements were building in the 1970s.  How many of these people eventually became active?  That little girl is in her forties now in 2012; what could she tell us?  How could we find her?

We see another glimpse of the vast plain of north central Poland; the priests' robes flutter in the wind.

". . . mego ojca Franciszka Zdrojewskiego"
". . . my father Francis Zdrojewski"

Is he the Franciszek from the household identity paper from the early twentieth century?  Is he the Franciszek born in Chrosno in 1900?  

Is he brother to Ludwig?  That would make his daughter Sabina and JPZ first cousins, whereas Sabina addressed him as "Uncle."

Is he nephew to Ludwig?  That would make Ludwig his uncle, and his daughter Sabina and JPZ would be second cousins once removed.  She could address him as "Uncle."

That would make the three sons of JPZ second cousins to Sabina and Edmund.

That would make the children of the three sons - my generation -  third cousins to any children of Sabina and Edmund.


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