
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Clara in Her Late Teens

Clara Adamina graduated high school in 1947.  Hence she was an entering freshman in the fall of 1943.

This first print is hand-cut on heavy stock.  My supposition is that someone in a camera club at her school made the print.  Or perhaps someone in her youth group at church, the St. Luke's chapter of the Catholic Youth Organization, produced the photos.  The group did publish a newspaper, of which I have a copy or two up in the Trove.

Our gal CAMZ liked to put her hair in pincurls on retiring to her bed, in preparation for the next day's glamour.  Her mother, CHM, forbad it, but she did it anyway.  The only trouble came when Gertrude told.

Looks like the pincurls made it safely through the evening prior to this photo portrait.

What?  You don't know what pincurls are?  All right, here's a pic from The Bobby Pin Blog:

Clara was a Girl Scout, as well.  How much you want to bet she made her own uniform by sketching and copying an official one?

Going for the Jean Harlow look, Ma?

Here's older sister Gertrude.  Looks like Easter Sunday: see her corsage, and the crocuses in bloom in the little garden behind her.

The Trove includes snapshots in nifty little albums.  They feature "Carhart's High-Hat Finish."  Indeed the prints are highly glossy, so the top hat is an excellent motif.

"Exclusive in Buffalo and Rochester."  Looks like Gertrude was a bridesmaid, and her Dad, Adam Matynka, took photographs of his family on the day of the wedding of a friend of his family. 

I've no idea who the bride is; no nor groom nor groomsman either.

What kind of car is this?  And check out the older car across the street, in the background.  I wish we had a Lytro camera shot of this; we could focus on the other car. Notice also the elm tree, alive, big, and healthy.

Check out the gorgeous tailored jacket!  Look how the bottom front corners are folded up and buttoned!  The fitted jacket has perfect sleeve length.  You can see that the skirt is hand-hemmed.  I like the length.  It's definitely more intriguing, more alluring, than a miniskirt, especially when the lady sits and slowly crosses her legs.  Of course, this depends on the sort of allure one wishes to project, doesn't it.

This last shot is a peek ahead to another wedding, a bit later.  CAMZ is bridesmaid this time;  Gertrude is annoyed about something, although one cannot imagine what it is; her permanent wave came out okay.

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