
Thursday, May 24, 2012

School Days Autograph Book

Clara Matynka, our CAMZ, attended a multi-grade primary school in South Wales, New York.  In 1937 she was eight years old.

By 1940, she had an autograph book, 4 1/2 by 6 inches.

"Davy St." is a good and proper address for a village called South Wales.

Mom said that Miss Crowley taught her class never to use the word "get" in an English composition.  They should think of something better, more apt, less hackneyed.  And they should get used to doing so.  (I added that last part.)

See the "Miss Whalen" 8th-grade teacher?  There was a Connie Whalen in my class at Iroquois, 25 years later.

New and different address, "Goethe Street."  Hard to imagine that in South Wales, New York.  So perhaps they had moved back to Buffalo by 1940.  CAMZ packed this book and took it with her in the move.

Who are cousin Ray and cousin Gerrie?  I remember a fabulous "Uncle Ray Lipinski."  Could that be "Cousin Ray?"

"Your cousin Mary Lipinska."  Who are these cousins?

More gems of the autographic art to follow - Julie


  1. I showed my kids the incredible cursive written by kids younger than them!

  2. Cursive writing is a good thing to be made to learn. Practicing it means practicing fine motor control and lengthening of the attention span. All kids get those benefits, even if their writing maxes out at something less than artistically beautiful.

    Old family books are inscribed with the owner's name in practiced calligraphy. People did it for fun.

  3. So Tye, did you find your Grandma in that class picture?

    1. Yes! ...but only because you said where she was. :) Although, the more old photos of them I see, the more I see them in the photos.
