
Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Wartime" Series

The man who produced "Wartime" produced it as part of a series.

No. 1:
By the way, the fact that JPZ is perusing a scrapbook while EJZ is still off in China suggests that EJZ came home on leave after basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia, and U Chicago language school, brought photos with him, began the scrapbook, then deployed.

No. 2:

No. 3:

No. 4:
The framed portrait is Uncle Stanley, right?  JPZ's youngest brother.  Who is the monk in  the painting?  Notice the Polish Eagle on the cover of the book in JPZ's right hand.  I wonder what the one is that he's drawing forth with his left hand. Neither volume is upstairs in the trove.

In No. 3, the portrait on the wall looks to be of Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder and reformer of hospitals and schools, and the first American to become a Catholic Saint. Since Mother Seton died in 1821, that would have to be a watercolor, not a photo. Or am I blind, and that's a photo of a new relative?

In  No.4, we have Stanley Zdrojewski, right?

Also in No.4, the book being taken up is William Shirer's Berlin Diary.  A must-read.  Shirer broadcast radio from Berlin throughout the war.

Update:  JFZ notes:  "Julie,   Thank you for these pictures. It demonstrates how intellectual this man was despite having only a few high school courses! This may be Uncle Stanley since the picture more resembles him than Uncle Joe. But, the woman could be Julia Mostkowska Zdrojewska, a more likely  candidate for a picture in this location at this time (still in WWII) than Elizabeth Ann Seaton.

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