
Monday, July 9, 2012

March 1946, St. Luke's Monthly Newsletter - Basketball Team take "The Mohawk" to Chicago

The Parish boys' basketball team was called "Legion of Mary."  They became top in the Buffalo CYC league, and so got a train trip to Chicago to compete in some playoffs.  Most of the March 1946 issue of the Parish magazine is about basketball games in all their painful detail, and if you want to read it you will have to come visit me.  I'm posting the story about the train ride.

If the print is too small for you, type Alt +

The back page is devoted entirely to the team photo.  The artwork is colored pencil, laboriously done by someone holding a colored pencil in hand.  Now, a viewer might reasonably ask, "Why is that player's face clipped out?"  I can answer that with context clues derived from agonizingly thorough reading of the sports reportage.  That's Eddie, whom we have seen previously in baseball garb. Someone secured for herself an image of the Durham Flash and put it in her pocket.  Sigh.

If you look closely, you can, by chance, see most of his name, "Edmund Nietopski," in the text revealed by the cutout.

Above is Mr. Al Mazikowski, the Coach, with Fr. Tomiak.  John, did you meet Al?

The masthead in this issue lists two photographers: John Zdrojewski and Joseph Hoppe.  John tells me that his Dad, JPZ, was not a big sports fan. So it's a good guess that Hoppe, rather than JPZ, took the sports photos in this issue.

Next issue, we meet another new photographer.  Actually, it's more of a reunion; we've met him before.

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