
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Winter Crystal Ball, 2 of 2

The Youth Council Monthly had a full-page review of the event, which included these remarks:

        Tossing a decisive knockout blow at the time-honored phrase that "you can't please everybody,"  The Parish Youth Council set a new high in entertainment standards last February first with their sponsorship of the Second Annual Winter Crystal Ball.

          Not one of the persons quizzed by the social committee after this gala affair failed to remark enthusiastically that he or she enjoyed themselves at the Ball beyond any doubt.

          The first sight of the St. Luke Ballroom filled its patrons with pleasant amazement.  The brightly glittering "Winter Crystal Ball" sign at the head of the stage, the adorned fans and columns, and gardenias, clean-white cloths covering the tables, and the soft blending of the spotlights lending an atmosphere of splendor and comfort; as our beloved pastor put it - "exquisite" is definitely the word to describe it . . . 

Above:  Father Tomiak and the Mice;
Below: Rev. Walter Tomiak, Rev. Stephen Kucharski,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Mazikowski,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Mazgajewski.

The program is on heavy stock
with a sort of opalescent paper
for the cover,
for a bloom rising from crystal.

How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams
With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!
(Longfellow: Morituri Salutamus)

I will  go unto the Altar of God,
To God, who giveth joy to my youth. . . .
(Prayer of the Mass)

Youth may stray afar yet return at last.
(French proverb)

On another page, thanks are given to "Mr. Raymond Norman for his sketching of the orchid appearing on the program and tickets."

And at the bottom appears another quotation:  To ride, shoot straight and speak the truth-
This was the ancient Law of Youth."  (C.T. Pavis)

The next:  In the lexicon of youth. . . there is no such word as 'fail.'  (Bulliver, Lytton)

The temper of our youth has become more restless,
more critical, more challenging.
(F. D. Roosevelt)

The subsequent page describes the purpose of the event:  "It is difficult to describe in a few words the friendship and love that exists among the young, their parents, their relatives, their sponsors and friends, all gay on an evening of a grand gala affair. . ."

As the Days of Thy Youth, So Also Shall The Old Age Be (Deut. 33-25)

The much-sought prize of eternal youth is just arrested growth.
(Edgar Lee Masters)

On with the dance! let joy be unconfined!
No sleep till morn, when youth and pleasure meet,
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet!
(Byron: Ch. Harold)

"Youth is idealistic, not cynical. . .youth is also tough-minded." (Most Rev. J. H. Ryan)

"Keep true to the ideals of thy youth." (Schiller)

"Youth comes but once a lifetime."  (Longfellow)

"The education of youth makes on the soul the first, most powerful and lasting impression for life."  (Pope Pius XI)

"My salad days:  When I was green in judgment."  (Shakespeare: Ant. and Cleo.)

"We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow;
Our wiser sons, no doubt, will think us so."
(Pope: E. on Criticism)

"There is nothing can equal the tender hours
When life is first in bloom"
(Bohn: Ms.)

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