
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Basic Training, Fort Benning, Georgia, August -November 1943, continued

(If you are reading this in email, remember, you can read it in all its glory at Gene and Clara's.)

9" x 6"

There is no telling who in fact took the photo below, but it is easy to imagine Dad setting up a shot like that.  From boyhood he arranged people for wedding photos, working for his father, our JPZ.  So, "Would you stand under the sign, please?  Fixed bayonet would be very, very good.  Go ahead, start lighting your cigarette.  Okay now, look up! There!"

"Nothing for an MP to do.
Christ, these college boys play bridge during their training breaks!"

The Roster of the Second Company
has 238 names on 9 pages,
of which this is page 3.

This and another page fold out
to accomodate the group photo below.

Looking for Eugeniusz?  Try the second row from the back,
start at the left end of this photo and count 6 faces.
Somebody - not I! - circled him in pencil.

Inside back cover
There are several A.S.T.P. memoirs published in the "Personal Accounts" part of the A.S.T.P. site.

"We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when
But we'll meet again some sunny day!"

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