
Saturday, March 8, 2014

OSS CBI Photobook 2

Page 2
Army Specialized Training Program,
University of Chicago

So last night I remembered Dad telling a story about "being in the Army" and "going for an interview" as part of his attempt to influence what he would do next.  This could have been going into Basic, or coming out of Basic; maybe some papers in the New Trove will pin that down.

Page 2, top half, scan.

Dad said that interviewer asked this and that: High School?  Yes.  College? Two years in a liberal arts program.  Languages?  English, Polish, Latin, French.  Blah, blah; bye-bye.  Then as he was leaving the interview room, he suddenly turned back and said, "Oh, yes! I can take pictures!  I have a lot of experience in photography."

Dad indicated that he always thought that was the moment when the "OSS" lightbulb went on in the interviewer's head.

EJZ supported by colleague.

Faculty and students in the Japaese-language class.  Click to enlarge.
EJZ second row, second from left.
Favorite language teacher, third row, fifth from the right, close to the Brass.

EJZ.  Photographer has trouble with focus.

Favorite teacher stands between Brass and Fedora.

See the ASTP patch on the left shoulder of EJZ's field jacket?
We do not have the field jacket or the hat, but we do have the patch.
See OSS CBI Photobook 1.

Page 2, bottom half, scan.

Someone somewhere could very likely identify these faculty.
Fave teacher is back row, first on right.

They had a lot of class time, then a lot of athletic training, then a lot of military training.
They were on active duty, in uniform, all the time.
Dad looks like he's been studying too hard here.
In the photo up left, who is standing by the truck?
What is shown in that map?  Anybody recognize it?
Then a nice radio, a nice bookshelf, photos of buddies in uniform,
then a photo of lovely ladies on some beach.

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