
Sunday, May 18, 2014

OSS CBI Photobook 8 - Travel Orders, 9 December 1944, continued

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 Last post we began examining another photobook page illustrating transition.  From D.C., our heroes take the train across the continent, are driven from an LA OSS office to OSS West Coast Training Center in Newport Beach,  thence taken by small boat to Santa Catalina Island.

Can we conclude that the man, at right, wearing a garrison cap
is Private Howard C. Lyon?
Pfc and up gets to wear a flat hat?

This panorama shot is from the Wiki article.  Click to enlarge.
The silhouette compares well with what we glimpse off the bow.

Pfc Eugene Zdrojewski and his Master Sergeant.

There's Santa Catalina Island off the stern!
So: sorry, we have no photos of classified activities
during their 30-day training session on the dry, mostly deserted island!
We have photos of going out and of heading back,
and some of them are mixed up.

This is a recent L.A. Times shot from roughly the same place,
with that recognizable summit. 

Is this the Newport Beach HQ?
Or is this on the island?
Apparently some of the buildings used by OSS in wartime
later became part of the Catalina Island Marine Institute.

Next up: a few sources on what training was going on there during World War II, and who was involved.  Also, one or two of Dad's stories are bubbling up to the surface of memory.  Oh, and I found this odd-looking paper.


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