Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Archanioł Boży Gabryjel
Gabriel, Archangel of God is the first carol in the śpiewnik. Its place in the hymnal is a sign of its importance and popularity for the Season of Advent.
Zdrowaś Panno, łaskiś pełna,
Pokorniuchno się skłoniła,
jako Panna świątobliwa;
zasmuciła się z tej mowy,
nic nie rzekła Aniołowi.
wielki z strony człowieczeństwa,
a niezmierny z strony Bóstwa.
Wieczny Syn Ojca wiecznego,
Zbawiciel świata całego."
i Duchowi Najświętszemu,
Bogu w Trójcy jedynemu,
dziękujemy w uniżności,
za ten cud Jego miłości.
Verse 1 of 5 begins the narrative with an exciting opening.
Archanioł Boży Gabryjel,
Posłan do Panny Maryi.
Archangel of God Gabriel,
Envoy to Lady Mary.
Z majestatu Trójcy Świętej,
tak sprawował poselstwo k'niej:
From the majesty of the Holy Trinity,
Thus delivered the messenger, to her:
Zdrowaś Panno, łaskiś pełna,
Pan jest z Tobą, to rzecz pewna.
Hail Lady, of Grace full, (i.e., Hail Mary, full of Grace. . .)
The Lord is with Thee, that thing is true (i.e., for sure!)
These Archangels are a big deal! They are the warriors who fought and defeated Lucifer himself, way back at the beginning. Yet we need not fear them; they're on our side. And so the hymn can be performed in a way that sounds like a comforting folksong:
Verse 2 describes her perfectly understandable reaction:
Panna się wielce zdumiała,
z poselstwa, które słyszała.
z poselstwa, które słyszała.
The Lady was very surprised (astounded),
By the message that she heard.
Pokorniuchno się skłoniła,
jako Panna świątobliwa;
Meekly she bowed,
Like a sainted Lady;
zasmuciła się z tej mowy,
nic nie rzekła Aniołowi.
She was overcome by this message,
She said nothing to the Angel.
Here it is again in another key, with a fire in the fireplace and snow falling outside.
Now that we are all steady, we can go on the the big news in Verse 3. This warrior angel has the wisdom to speak with kindness to a mortal woman.
Ale poseł z wysokości,
napełnion Boskiej mądrości,
napełnion Boskiej mądrości,
But the messenger from Above (from on high)
Full of Divine wisdom,
rzekł Jej: "Nie bój się, Maryja,
Najszczęśliwszaś Panno miła; -
Najszczęśliwszaś Panno miła; -
Said to her: "Do not fear, Mary,
You are the happiest blessed Lady;
nalazłaś łaskę u Pana,
oto poczniesz Jego Syna."
oto poczniesz Jego Syna."
You have found grace with the Lord,
Here you will conceive His Son."
In Verse 4, Gabriel gives particulars.
Jezus nazwiesz imię Jego,
będzie Synem Najwyższego -
będzie Synem Najwyższego -
"Jesus you will call the name of Him (i.e., You will call his name Jesus)
He will be the Son of the Supreme Being -
wielki z strony człowieczeństwa,
a niezmierny z strony Bóstwa.
great on the part of humanity (i.e., great among men)
and immense on the part of the Deity.
Wieczny Syn Ojca wiecznego,
Zbawiciel świata całego."
Eternal Son of the Eternal Father,
Savior of the whole world."
In Verse 5, we leave the narrative and sing as the Chorus, directly to God. Thus the volume is cranked up for the finale in which the faithful respond to the retelling of the story.
Bogu Ojcu Wszechmocnemu,
Synowi Jego miłemu
Synowi Jego miłemu
To God the Father Almighty,
To His Beloved Son
i Duchowi Najświętszemu,
Bogu w Trójcy jedynemu,
And to the Most Holy Spirit,
To the Triune God, (three in one, literally)
dziękujemy w uniżności,
za ten cud Jego miłości.
We give thanks in humility,
For this miracle of His love.
Here is La Schola Cantorum performing Archanioł Boży Gabryjel in formal, majestic manner. Notice that the singers sing a verse, then repeat the last four lines of that verse. Up in the choir loft, serene above the rustling, coughing, and tintinabulation, they set the example of professional concentration.
May you all have a hopeful and meaningful Advent season. Pay your debts, forgive people, plan your better future behavior. I know I should. Obyś miał Błogosławiony Adwent!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Dzień Swiętego Mikołaja
The feast day of Saint Nicholas is December 6, because Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, died on this day in AD 343. During his lifetime he was beloved for his acts of charity - in particular, for anonymous charity - and to this day he is beloved and imitated in it by Christians all over the world.
See Nicholas sneaking up to the window of the house to toss in pouches of coin, one for each of three distressed young women. This 1425 painting by Gentile de Fabriano is in the Vatican. The legend about this event is apparently typical of the kind of thing this man enjoyed doing.
The four weeks of Advent are sombre ones for children: they mentally review their bad deeds of the past year, make resolutions, and review their catechism, all prior to Christmas Day. Saint Nicolas's feast day is a bit of a breather. There are the coins in the shoes, and piernicki - gingerbread cookies.
Besides being the favorite of children, this Greek Bishop of ancient times, "Ἅγιος Νικόλαος," is patron saint of sailors. That is why a ship is often depicted in the crook of his staff.
We've encountered the saint, in one of his many, many later manifestations, previously on Gene and Clara's.
Szczęśliwego Dzień Swiętego Mikołaja!