
Monday, December 21, 2020

Reprise Post: Advent Carol: "Czekam na Ciebie"

Today's reposting is a third edit of the original 2013 kolęda post.

Czekam na Ciebie,  "I wait for You," expresses longing and yearning for the arrival of the Savior.  The Liturgical Season of Advent is prime time for these feelings.

How does it sound? In minor mode, it sounds yearning. Like this, sung by a church organist with an affecting baritone. And like this, performed in the style of a quiet folk tune.

From Nuty Religijne we can obtain the score with Polish lyrics:

Source for the Polish lyric is

Czekam na Ciebie, Jezu mój mały,
ciche błaganie, ku niebu śle.
Twojego przyjścia, czeka świat cały.
Sercem gorącym przyzywa Cię.

          I wait for You, my little Jesus,
          Silent supplication to the sky send.
          For your advent, the whole world is waiting.
          Fervent hearts call You.

Spójrz, tęskniony na tej ziemi,
przyjdź, o Jezu, pociesz nas!
Szczerze kochać Cię będziemy.
Przyjdź, o Jezu, bo już czas.

          Look upon this Earth with its longing,
          Come, O Jesus, comfort us!
          Truly we will love You.
          Come, O Jesus, because it is already time.

Usłysz Maryjo głos Twoich dzieci,
Tyś naszą Matką na każdy dzień.
O daj nam Słońce, które rozświeci,
grzechu i błędu straszliwy cień.

          Hear, Mary, the voice of your children.
          Thou art our Mother, every day.
          Give to us the Sun, that its light
          Will enshadow sin and terrible error.

Spójrz teskniony na tej ziemi,
daj nam Zbawcę, Dziecię Twe.
My dla Niego żyć pragniemy,
Jemu damy serca swe.

          Look upon this Earth with its longing,
          Give to us the Savior, your Son.
          We for Him to be living crave,
          To Him we will give our hearts.

This is a revision of the 2013 post Czekam na Ciebie.
This is edited once more for 2020.


  1. A prayer with the tune a lullaby. Lovely. Thank you, Julie.

  2. Will you post some more links to your favorite recordings of Polish Christmas carols? Or make a shared Youtube playlist?

  3. The Christmas Eve post, coming out a little later today, is about another favorite.Stay tuned.

    The January 6th post will likewise be about a favorite,"Mędrcy świata, Monarchowie."

    For playlists I would search youtube for either "Lira" or "Mazowsze" plus "Kolędy" or "Polskie Kolędy."

    Lira and Mazowsze are the foremost perfomers of this genre.

    Also, you can search this blog for "Christmas carols" and also for "Kolędy" if you really want to get lost in the weeds.

    Or for the true Pol-Am experience visit the Polish Texans website, and launch their pop-up kolędy player!

    "Na szczęście, na zdrowie, ze święta Wilija."
