
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Reprise Post: Kolęda - "Gdy się Chrystus Rodzi"

"Kolędy" are the hymns of of the European Christmas Season, which runs from December 4th through Epiphany, January 6th. This is intriguing and mysterious, since the "calends" are the first days of the months in the ancient Roman calendar.

"Gdy się Chrystus Rodzi,"  "When Christ was Born," is an enduring favorite due, I would say, to its tenderness and happiness, a quiet, reverent happiness.  Few things bring greater joy than this hymn performed by good musicians and choristers in a beautiful church at midnight on Christmas Eve.

This choir, "Harmonia," performs with a traditional up-tempo refrain.

A choir from Poznań renders the carol in constant, serene tempo.

Kolenda online is the source of lyrics below, and gives the musical score as well:

Gdy się Chrystus rodzi i na świat przychodzi,
ciemna noc w jasnościach promienistych brodzi.
Aniołowie się radują
pod niebiosa wyśpiewują:

Gloria, gloria, gloria
in excelsis Deo!

Mówią do pasterzy, którzy trzód swych strzegli,
aby do Betlejem czym prędzej pobiegli,
bo się narodził Zbawiciel
wszego świata Odkupiciel:

Gloria, gloria, gloria
in excelsis Deo!

O niebieskie duchy i posłowie nieba,
powiedzcież wyraźniej, co nam czynić trzeba,
bo my nic nie pojmujemy,
ledwo od strachu żyjemy:

Gloria, gloria, gloria
in excelsis Deo!

Nascitur cum Christus et mundo apparet,
Caeca nox fulgore radiante claret.
Angeli in caelis visi
Cantat hymnum paradisi:

Gloria, gloria , gloria,
In excelsis Deo.

Pavidos pastores angeli hortantur,
Bethehem quam primum ut proficiscantur:
Natus enim est Salvator,
Mundi machine Creator.

Gloria, gloria, gloria,
In excelsis Deo. 

Spiritus caelestes caelique legati,
Quidnam faciamus, nobis revelate.
Imperiti nil pollemus,
Metu capti vix vigemus.

Glioria, gloria, gloria,
In excelsis Deo.

Ehret and Evans's International Book of Christmas Carols - a wonderful volume - displays this carol on a two-page spread, giving the first two verses, in Polish and English.

Błogosławiony Bożego Narodzenia!

A Blessed Christmas Season!

to family and friends, far and near.  Julie
(This post appeared originally on 12/22/2012. It was edited and updated on 12/27/2020.)

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