
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Haremski: TNG

We began the Matynka-Haremski side of the family with an impressive couple three generations back (up?)  from me:  here and then here.

On the page Familiae Personae Matynka they are listed in the second little bunch, along with their two daughters, Pearl Haremska and Clara Haremska.

I wish I knew their birth years, and I have yet to find any photos or memorabilia of them as children or young women.  If anyone has any information, it would be terrific if someone would let me in on it.

Here's how I remember them:  as my Busi Matynka and Aunt Pearl, in this case at my high-school graduation in 1971 -

More gems from that party are forthcoming.  But right now, here is the earliest snapshot of Clara Haremska Matynka (let's designate her CHM for this blog) that has turned up so far.

What house is this?  Gittere Street?  Nice dress.  Look how it drapes.  And speaking of drapes, Clara started her own small business, doing custom curtains, draperies, and slipcovers, employing serveral people and serving many customers out of her own business premises over the course of decades.

I remember going to the wholesale textile warehouse with her once.  It was a giant warehouse close to Lake Erie, I guess.  That's as close to the Port of Buffalo as I ever got.  ("Thanks," Urban Renewal.)

Clara married Adam Matynka, producing the Matynka branch, of Walden Avenue.

Pearl married Edward Stawicki, producing "The Poplar Street Gang."  Here are Aunt Pearl and Uncle Edward in the backyard at Gene and Clara's, July 1971.  We shall do Poplar Street more, as well.



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