Saturday, March 17, 2012

Uncle Stanley, his parents, and his nephew Eugene

Ludwig and Victoria Zdrojewski had six sons; the youngest was Stanley.

Notice the double shadow behind Ludwig, cast by the hefty array of floodlights, set up no doubt by JPZ for this formal family Christmas portrait.

If we zoom in to the mirror on the wall behind them, we see a partial reflected image of the Christmas tree across the room.  Below the mirror, on the mantel, we see one of those little green toy Christmas trees, the bristly kind, with white paint splashed upon it, for snow.  They usually had a little red wooden pot, or disc, as a base.  In front of the tiny tree is one of the Magi, in that reverent pose as he approaches the Infant in the Manger.  So there is a Nativity scene set up on the mantel.

But it isn't always snowing in Buffalo!  Here in the back yard on May Street, important matters are receiving proper attention.  What's Gene using to trim Stanley's hair?  Grass trimmers?  Sheep shears?

Interesting shape of bottle: short and fat, maybe 16 ounces.  Can't read the label.  I'll have to fire up PhotoShop in my spare time.

Na zdrowie!

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