Sunday, November 24, 2013

Clara Matynka High School Art Folio, continued: Costume

We continue our look through work related to a History of Art course from 1946. 

That black horizontal line, drawn about a third of the way up from the bottom of many of these drawings, makes a difference, doesn't it?  It sort of grounds the figure, instead of letting it float about. Is that the "horizon line?"

This amazes me.
The English fought a titanic struggle
against Napoleon, and for years
were under threat of invasion by the French,
yet all that time English ladies
followed the Paris fashions.
"Empire" refers to the
Napoleonic Empire. Yikes.

Check the Vivien Leigh hairdo on the figure.
Gone with the Wind premiered in Atlanta (!)
in December of 1939.
In 1946, no doubt,
the shock waves still reverberated
through popular culture.

I really like this dress,
although I am mystified by the panniers.
Or are they wearable bongo drums?
Either way, they are useful
and appealing.

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