Wednesday, October 3, 2018

In a Larger Sense, These Battles Never End

Not too much of researches this day! Other work has intervened. 

Our special ops forces were in the news; I learned about HALO: High-Altitude, Low-Opening jumps.  Some of them jump out of the airplane at 30,000 feet.

Thinking about that I looked up at the far wall; there was a little photo of a studious young man who learned to jump in 1943.  His birthday is coming up on October 7th.

Thinking today about all the men who jump when they have to. Some jump out of airplanes, some jump in hearing rooms or other places, to defend the country and things like due process and the US Constitution.

Here is our EJZ at U Chicago. He's  studying in preparation for deployment to Japanese-occupied China.  At the same time he is thinking about Europe, specifically Poland, the land of his ancestors; see the map on the wall behind him?  And he is thinking of his buddies; see the photos?  

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