Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Polish Wooden Churches Restored

As part of a revamping of the Links listing in the right sidebar here, I have added a link to The First News, a magazine-style site pitched to potential tourists with inclinations to visit Poland.

A recent article discusses the completion of a project to restore ten wooden churches that date from medieval times. The photographs of exteriors and interiors are intriguing. All ten restored structures form a new wooden-church tourist trail in Wielkopolska, which is "Greater Poland," an ancient historical region that includes Poznań. The map below is from the article:


 Zdrojewski and Matynka ancestors came to America from Wielkopolska. The dialect map below is from the linked Wikipedia article, which also has images of historic maps as well as of coats of arms of the various historic families. These coats of arms are obviously the best ones!

Map of Polish dialects by Aotearoa - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11836448

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