Monday, April 11, 2011

What a Group!

Zdrojewski family in the late 1940s

Paul Zadner sent me this terrific photo.  That's Paul on the left in the front row.  Center front is his sister, Celine Zdrojewska.
Who is the little girl on the right?
John (JFZ) wrote me thus:

". . .other girl:  unknown but probably Uncle Tony's and Aunt Anna's youngest daughter Angeline ('Lulu'). . ."

Seated are, first Cecelia Zdrojewska, the mother of Paul and Celine, and also of Michael, who is not in this photo.
Check out Aunt Cecelia's shoes!

Paul Zadner wrote me thus:
"My mother was the lady with the shoes . . . When she was pregnant with my younger brother she thought she was having stomach problems and did not realize that she was pregnant.  Having a child at age 35 was a disgrace and frowned upon,  like you should have had enough smarts not to get pregnant at such an old age.  Older women would give her dirty looks."

Well, Auntie Cecelia darling, you just give them what for!  You certainly seem like the sort who could and would give them what for.
Next we have Grandma Victoria and Grandpa Ludwig.
Na zdrowie!

Next we have Aunt Helen, taking a sip, while behind her, her husband Uncle Tony indicates his dentition.

The rearguard starts off with my Mom Clara Zdrojewska, unless she was still Clara Matynka at that time;  my Dad, Eugene Zdrojewski;  Uncle Stanley; Uncle Casey - what a cutup!;  Uncle Tony; Eleanor Zdrojewska; and John Peter Zdrojewski looking adorable under his dinner napkin.

Johnny (JFZ) is not with us yet, at least on his own.  So the picture was taken perhaps by the elder Casimir (father of Paul and Celine, and husband of Cecelia of the sexy shoes) or perhaps with a timer, which is no doubt right here in my living room in a box.  Keep visiting this blog and posting comments, and who knows?  I might show you all a picture of JPZ's timer and lightmeter.


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