Monday, April 30, 2012

Janek and Julia

This studio wedding portrait is a large print, 12" by 18", hand-cut, on the heavy stock that JPZ typically used.  It was somewhat bent and a little torn when it came out of the storage carton.  Still, it scanned all right - in four parts, which Peter Ehrlich then PhotoShopped into unity, integrity, and suavity.  Thanks, Peter.

Remember, a click on the photo will open it nice and big in Preview.

I think we can agree that this lady

and this lady

are the same, can we not?

They are Julia Mostkowska Zdrojewska.  Therefore, the groom is John Peter Zdrojewski.

And since this must be JPZ (the only groom she had),

this must be JPZ as well:

But I'm not done rocking JFZ's world for today!  The next post will add Eugene and Casimir to this controversy.  

Remember, "labels" for posts are listed on the right sidebar.  For example, if one wanted to review Julia photos, one could click on the "Julia" label there, and be rewarded with all posts having that label loaded onto one new page of Gene and Clara's.


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