"Mages of the world, Monarchs" is the kolęda for Epiphany, written in the seventeenth century.
A Polish Army choir posted this performance, in which they make it sound the way it is supposed to sound. A women's choir put up this moving performance.
A Polish Army choir posted this performance, in which they make it sound the way it is supposed to sound. A women's choir put up this moving performance.
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Szymon Czechowicz painting, from the previous post. |
All four verses are essential to make sense of the thing; all four are given here and also here.
1. Mędrcy świata, monarchowie,
Gdzie śpiesznie dążycie?
Powiedzcież nam, Trzej Królowie,
Chcecie widzieć Dziecię?
Ono w żłobie, nie ma tronu,
I berła nie dzierży,
A proroctwo Jego zgonu,
Już się w świecie szerzy.
2. Mędrcy świata, złość okrutna,
Dziecię prześladuje.
Wieść okropna, wieść to smutna,
Herod spisek knuje:
Nic monarchów nie odstrasza,
Do Betlejem śpieszą,
Gwiazda Zbawcę im ogłasza,
Nadzieją się cieszą.
3. Przed Maryją stają społem,
Niosą Panu dary.
Przed Jezusem biją czołem,
Składają ofiary.
Trzykroć szczęśliwi królowie,
Cóż wam nie zazdrości?
Cóż wam my damy, kto nam powie,
Pałając z miłości?
4. Tak, jak każą nam kapłani,
Damy dar troisty:
Modły, pracę niosąc w dani,
I żar serca czysty.
To kadzidło, mirrę, złoto
Niesiem, Jezu szczerze,
Co dajemy Ci z ochotą,
Od nas przyjm w ofierze.
Is there a good English translation available anywhere? So far, such has eluded me, and I would be grateful to anyone who could provide one. For now, here is an English version that I ran through, first, Google Translate, then my personal grammatical logic function, and then finally through my in-memory Baltimore Catechism doctrinal filter:
1.Worldly Magi, Monarchs,
Where go you at such speed?
Tell us, Three Kings,
You wish to see the Child?
It is in a manger, not on a throne,
And bears no scepter -
A prophecy of His death
Just as it is in the world rife/Just as death is rife in the
2. Magi of the world: anger cruel (there is)
News terrible, it (is) sad,
Herod conspiracy (is) plotting;
(Yet) No Monarch is deterred!
To Bethlehem hurry,
(The) Star the Savior proclaims,
(Consequently) Hope they enjoy.
3.Before Mary (they) are together,
Bear(ing) (You) Lord gifts,
Before Jesus (they) bow their heads,
making offering.
Thrice happy Kings,
Who would not envy you?
Well! You are
not jealous?
Well, to you we will give (? - show?)
to whom will tell us/the One who tells us,
burning with love.
4. Yes, as we are made priests,
We will give gifts threefold:
Prayer; the bearing of duty's labor;
and the fervor of a pure heart.
This frankincense, myrrh, gold,
Signifies Jesus, truly,
Since we take on the sacrifice//recognize/acknowledge
the Sacrifical Victim.
the Sacrifical Victim.
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Czechowicz, detail |
The crown and scepter of King Melchior are on the ground. The image and idea of worldly kings giving homage to a universal God is the basis, and historically is the means of conveying, the concept of equality of man in the eyes of universal moral authority. From that Judeo-Christian religious concept developed the religiously-neutral ethical-legal principle of equality before the law.
You can look at this painting and see why tyrants loathe the Judeo-Christian tradition.
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