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Uncle Joe and Aunt Julia at their son Joseph's Christening. Joseph Zdrojewski was the fifth son of Ludwig and Victoria. |
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This isn't Joe at all, but rather Johnny, "JFZ," with his godfather, Uncle Stanley, and his godmother, Emily. See JFZ's Comment, below. |
John posted this to the "Paul Zadner" post and I merely shifted it over to this post:
"Corrections and updates:
photograph 1: had to be in '49 or '50. I'm there and I was born in December '47.
photograph 2: Joseph was the fifth son; Frank was the second.
photograph 3: Uncle Joe worked at Bethlehem Steel. Used the name Brogan. A lot of discrimination in those days even for a WWII veteran. There's a interesting story to tell of Uncle Joe's regarding union power and the eventual demise of the domestic steel industry.
photograph 5: my (JFZ) baptism. The godmother is Emily Kotwas, wife of my mother's oldest brother Bill who was a dentist in Auburn N.Y. And there is really a story there about discrimination in the professions by the WASPs who wanted to keep the professions for themselves.
Now look at Uncle Stanley. What a dude! No genius but he knew how to dress for an important ecclesiastical occasion. By demeanor he now reminds me of Jack Nicholson!
photograph 6: No. It's Uncle Joe by the window.
John F. Zdrojewski (JFZ)"
Thanks, John; I shall make the corrections.
Bethlehem Steel: My Dad told me that when he returned from the Service, his first job was pressing trousers at a dry-cleaner's. Next, Uncle Stanley got him a job at Bethlehem Steel.
So am I remembering that story right? Stanley worked at Bethlehem Steel also?
And you had to have an "in" - Stanley "got him the job." Eugene probably had to make an entry payment to the union, up front.
Jack Nicholson: Ha! Also Jimmy Dean, in that other photo where the guys are draped all over the front of the car.
John writes:
"Yes, Stanley did work at Bethlehem. And, if the rest of the story is true, and probably is : Go Stanley ---He's probably mixing St. Peter a Corby's ( Stanley's favorite whiskey) and water right now!
John (JFZ)"
Paul Zadner writes:
"My mother is standing in front of her parent's home 54 Kosciusko St and the East side. She was probably about 17 in the photo and single .
Her father was quite wealthy for an immigrant and owned six homes and he sold most of them to the sons eventually. Then when he died the three brothers got nothing in the Will and bitched forgetting the good deals they got on the homes. Only the girls were in the Will and one uncle and they did not talk to each other for years because the brothers felt cheated. NEVER leave money to children! I was in 3rd grade and never forgot the ill will among siblings.
I think my father's parents were on welfare. He would tell me how they ate lard on toast and the coffee maker sat on the coal stove all day. The coffee must have been like syrup.
My father and I used to paint the (mother's father)grandfather's homes and we were very good at raising 40 foot long wooden ladders even when I was under 11 years old. I was always afraid to leave the ladder or go unto the roof and these were two story 4 family homes. My father also did wall papering and I helped him. Doing ceilings was not fun because you had to hold your hands up in the air for a long periods of time. Ceiling we very hot in summers.
Poznań Zdrojewskis: Od Starego Kraju, część 8
Helena Zdrojewska
Franciszek 10.6.1920 poślubił Helenę Linette
Zamieszkali w Poznaniu.
Franciszek Zdrojewski
ur.12.9.1892, zm. 8.9.1973 Poznań
Helena Zdrojewska (Linette)
ur. 10.3.1888 Szkółki, zm.25.12 1987 Poznań
dzieci :
Sabina i Edmund
Edmund Zdrojewski (ur. 3.4.1921, zm. 22.12.2004 Poznań[Górczyn
Dwukrotnie żonaty. Maria Zdrojewska (Lewicka), Halina Zdrojewska(Ruryś)
Syn z pierwszego małżeństwa – Ryszard
Ryszard Zdrojewski poślubił Reginę
Córka – Maria
Sabina Zdrojewska ( ur.8.7.1926 Poznań, mieszka Pobiedziska (Dom Opieki)
Panna. Bez dzieci.
Poznań Zdrojewskis: Od Starego Kraju, część 8
From the Old Country, Part 8
Jest książka? wypracowanie? seria gazetowa?
Is it a book? essay? newspaper series?
Helena Zdrojewska
Franciszek 10.6.1920 poślubił (married) Helenę Linette
Zamieszkali w Poznaniu. (They lived in Poznań.)
"zm.", jest "umrzeć"? ("died") ?
Franciszek Zdrojewski
ur.12.9.1892, zm. 8.9.1973 Poznań
Helena Zdrojewska (Linette)
ur. 10.3.1888 Szkółki, zm.25.12 1987 Poznań
dzieci : (children)
Sabina i Edmund
Edmund Zdrojewski (ur. 3.4.1921, zm. 22.12.2004 Poznań [Górczyn
Górczyn, jest województwo zachodniopomorskie?
Dwukrotnie żonaty. Maria Zdrojewska (Lewicka), Halina Zdrojewska(Ruryś)
Syn z pierwszego małżeństwa – Ryszard
Ryszard Zdrojewski poślubił Reginę
Córka – Maria
Two wives. Maria. . .Halina. . .
Son from the first marriage - Richard
Ryszard Zdrojewski married Reginę
daughter - Maria
Sabina Zdrojewska ( ur.8.7.1926 Poznań, mieszka Pobiedziska (Dom Opieki) Panna. Bez dzieci.
Sabina . . . lives at Pobiedziska (co to jest?) Nursing Home Virgo.
No children.
Te informacje są cudowne mieć ! Nasze podziękowania rodzinne ty szczerze.
These data are wonderful to have! Our family all thank you sincerely.
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